The Voice Dynamic Approach

Voicing It!


If you would like to:

  • Improve The Sound Of Your Speaking Voice
  • Take Control Of Your Nervousness
  • Learn How to Speak Like A Pro...

Then The Voice Dynamic Approach is for you.
Unleash The Power Of Your Speaking Voice With Voicing It!
The ONLY Complete Voice Improvement Course on Video Which Will Improve Your Life...Both Professionally and Personally.

Imagine walking into a room and being able to command the attention of the group just by the sound of your voice.
Imagine standing at the lectern and having total control over your nervousness.
Imagine talking to someone and not having to repeat yourself.
Imagine speaking for a greater length of time without hoarseness or loss of voice.

What Sets Voice Dynamic Apart From Other Courses?

At Voice Dynamic, we start with the voice, the foundation, and work up from there. While offering good tips and tricks for handling or eliminating nervousness in public speaking, many other courses in public speaking do not show you how to find your optimum speaking voice, your 'real' voice.

With Voicing It!, the techniques you will learn to find your 'real' voice, are the exact same techniques you will use to control your nervousness in any form of public speaking. Nervousness is good! I like nervousness! It's that extra spurt of adrenaline that can really make your presentation outstanding. The secret is learning how to control those nervous jitters, not eliminate them!

My Guarantee To You

If at any time during the course, you want to ask me a question or just talk to me, I am here for you as your personal coach at no additional charge. I am part of the package. Just call or email me and we'll arrange a time to Skype.

Voicing It! Training Course

Whether you purchase the DVD set or the Streaming Video, you get the same 5 sessions plus the Bonus session.

Session 1
Articulation Matters

If you mumble, have 'lockjaw,' or talk with a heavy accent or dialect, there is a good chance you are not being understood. How much more successful would you be if you spoke more clearly?

audience can't understand

In Session 1 we will cover these three problems as well as nasality. In addition, you will be asked to record yourself for your 'before' recording and analyze what you hear.

Session 2
Take a Breath - The Right Way

In order to find your 'real' voice, you must learn to breathe correctly with the support of your diaphragm! It will make all the difference in what is going to happen to your voice.

diaphragmatic breathing

Your dog is doing it the right way and so is your cat. In this session, you will learn how to do it correctly as well! You will also notice a decrease in your stress level just by taking a breath.

Session 3
Transform Your Voice Forever

In session 3, you will learn how to use your chest cavity to power and amplify your voice. Imagine beginning (this Session) with your 'old' voice and finishing with your 'new' one.

old car and new car

Once you discover your 'real' voice, the result will be a richer, warmer, deeper and, yes, sexier sound. Suffering from vocal abuse? Make the change and your sore throat or loss of voice will be gone.

Session 4
Your Volume Control

If you are soft-spoken, you will learn how to train your inner ear to recognize a larger voice, not a louder one. A loud voice hurts your listener's ears. I don't want you to be loud.

man holding hands over ears too loud

I guarantee that when you learn to speak with a normal volume level -- that which most people are using -- you will not be loud. We will also cover projection for speaking in larger surroundings.

Session 5
Speak in Living Color

That which makes the voice truly interesting to listen to is color, the emotion, the animation, the life you express when you speak. It is like candy for the ears, the eyes and the soul.

garden - speak with color

Color is heard not only in your vocal delivery but also in your facial expression and your body language. A colorful delivery will keep your audience on the edge of their seats.

Bonus Session
The Keys to Great Public Speaking

As an added bonus, I cover the 5 techniques for becoming a more dynamic presenter and also the best means for controlling nervousness in any form of public speaking.

man public speaking

At the end of this session, you will be asked to record yourself reading the same item you read in Session one. You will see and hear the amazing changes in your 'before' & 'after' recording!

More Testimonials

Our clients love Voicing It! Read what they have to say.

"Your program is informative, engaging, easy to follow, and convincing. Voicing It! must be considered authoritative in its field."

James Raymond Wilson


"Thanks again for your work with me. It is paying off in new ways, I couldn't even dream of just a few weeks ago."

Tom Montana 

IT Consultant Texas

"Nancy Daniels is the real deal. She doesn't load you down with excessive exercises...she shows you how to find your 'real' voice and then says, 'Go do it!'"


The Mystery Method website

“Now that I can project without shouting, I don’t lose my voice when I coach my son’s hockey team. I wish I had known this when I was playing professionally.”

Ulf Samuellson

former NHL player

“You’ve unveiled my secret voice and you’ve given me a great deal of new confidence in public speaking.”

Jim Etherington

Vice President, Corporate Affairs London Life

“The benefit for our telesales staff was the increase in their confidence level, allowing them to handle our customers in a more professional manner.”

Gina Haggett

Supervisor, Telephone Banking Canada Trust

Let the power of your voice take their breath away, not yours!

Voice Training programs that
work with your lifestyle

voice training video

Voicing It!  Streaming Video

The complete Voice Dynamic Approach is available in streaming format for playback on all your devices. PDF manual included.

voice training dvd

Voicing It!  DVD Training

The complete Voice Dynamic Approach on DVD which consists of 2 DVDs and a 150-page manual.

skype sessions voice training

Zoom / Skype Sessions

Online sessions consist of 5 one-hour video calls held weekly or more often according to your schedule.

group workshops voice

Group Workshops

The 2-day workshop is for businesses or pre-formed groups (4 or more). Dates and times are tailored to your schedule.

Ready for your new voice?
Let's get started!